It is not everyday that you get the chance to see an active bird nest. And a nest that is right next to a road that sees very little traffic at all is rarer still. You can understand, then, why I was so psyched to come across a pair of Eastern Kingbirds busy feeding their nestlings. In fact they were so busy catching bugs and stuffing them into their nestlings’ mouths that they paid me, unobtrusively digiscoping them from my car parked across the street, no mind at all.
Eastern Kingbirds at the nest
This wonderful encounter happened out east on Long Island last week at Gabreski Airport, shortly after my sighting of Least Bitterns. I stuck with the kingbirds for about half-an-hour and appreciated every minute of my time with them. Hopefully, I will have the chance to get out there one more time before the youngsters fledge, though it seems unlikely. After all, Eastern Kingbird nestlings fledge a little over two weeks after hatching.
All of these shots were digiscoped through my Swarovski scope using their TLS-APO adapter attached to my Canon EOS 70D. You can click the images for bigger versions.
The kingbird parents were continually bringing in a variety of bugs for their three nestlings to eat. Here a robber fly is about to go down the hatch.
And there it goes. How glad I am not to have to catch and feed bugs to my son. That would not be fun at all. Heck, he balks at broccoli!
Only a couple of times did either parent spend any time sitting on the young, but both times it was when the clouds had covered the sun briefly. Young birds need help regulating their temperature.
You know what’s worse than feeding your young bugs? Carrying away their poop in your mouth. Many species while still in the nest poop out neat little sacs of poop that are easily removed to keep the nest clean. Just be glad that you don’t have to do it!
And away goes a parent off in search of more bugs. Yum!
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What fabulous photos! I recently got to photograph a robin on her nest, and my photos don’t capture the beauty and magic like yours do.