Pigeons get no respect. More reviled than perhaps any other species for the mess they make, their copious poop, and their general ubiquity, they are disliked, cursed, and stuck with monikers like “rat with wings.” But the Feral Pigeon has much about it that should be admired. They are survivors, able to exist in urban centers, farm fields, and almost anywhere in between. They are actually quite beautiful as anyone who has seen a flock of pigeons wheeling across the sky can attest, to say nothing of the green and purple hues that shine when the sun hits them. And, so far as I know, though they have been introduces across a huge portion of our world, they are not blamed for displacing native species in the places where people have brought them.
So, when I couldn’t find anything else to photograph on Sunday morning I turned my digiscoping rig upon some pigeons I found at Flushing Meadows-Corona Park in Queens. Why? Because I like pigeons. There, I said it. (I also needed something to feed this hungry monster known as the blog.) The next time you see a pigeon don’t try to kick it out of your way or curse it or otherwise malign this fine species that deserves some attention. Instead, enjoy the pigeon. Appreciate the pigeon. Respect the pigeon. It is, after all, a bird.
Look at those colors! What a beauty!
Even the piebald birds are beautiful.
Don’t you want to take this pigeon home and hug it and love it and name it George?
Look, a near-albino! Pigeons are great fun to look at if only for their variety, a relic of their having been domesticated and bred for various traits.
Of course, this isn’t the only time we here at 10,000 Birds have defended the pigeon. For example, Dragan recently looked at pigeons world wide in a fascinating post. Embrace the pigeon. You know you want to.
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Good point! They are indeed beautiful!
I’ll take a pretty pigeon (and its relatively minor mess, considering I don’t frequent underpasses) any day over a revolting and cacophonous Canada Goose that may not displace native species but prompts disgust wherever it congregates. (There, I said it.)
I have to admit, I’m a fan of pigeons. I raised a flock of racing pigeons for a few years. I didn’t win any races, but I’ve always enjoyed their presence since then.
My local county fair also has a decent pigeon fancier element too. Maybe I need to get in touch with those folks. Hmmmm.
I completely agree with this article—pigeons are amazing and 100% don’t get the respect they deserve. Us humans hate pigeons because pigeons moved into “our” cities, when in reality we either brought them there (in the case of the Americas) or they were already there first (all other places). Pigeons have been around since ancient Egypt, and they used to be revered by us. Now, we hate and kill them simply because they didn’t flee to the scraps of wild area that we left, instead staying in the cities that suit them perfectly. And who are we to kick them out when we stole their habitat, just as we’ve done with almost every other creature on this earth?