The photograph above is your typical photograph of a Yellow Chat around Broome. You will be walking along and there is a little bit of movement on the ground and you observe a couple or more Yellow Chats. Recently we encountered a flock of over one hundred Yellow Chats, but they did not stay still and they were impossible to photograph. Often the Yellow Chats will sit on the top of the saltbush near the coast, but once again only briefly. Mostly we just enjoy looking at Yellow Chats through binoculars, because they flit around too much.
I have photographed Yellow Chats in amongst the grass before and the male Yellow Chat is quite beautiful. We have also encountered Crimson Chats in Broome and Orange Chats when we have been travelling. Paul is also lucky enough to have Chats in Mexico!
On this recent occasion there were only three Yellow Chats and they were being quite vocal. There are a couple of old rusty fence posts in the area and we could hardly believe it when a Yellow Chat got onto the top of the post and basically posed for me. We were even more surprised, because it was windy and not very pleasant from either our point of view or the birds.
We were surprised at how long the Yellow Chat posed for us and it was also calling out. It didn’t take me long to realise it was worth taking some photographs to capture the moment!
Posing Yellow Chat
There’s nothing better than a bird that wants to show itself! Observing birds is always very satisfying, but the chance to make memories with your camera is also rewarding!
Careful, Claire – you might end up getting very excited about bird photography 🙂 … not sure I can recommend that pathway …
I enjoy photography a lot, but have to admit to enjoying observing nature first! I really do enjoy not having to think about only having 24 or 36 shots on a film, though!