It is winter here on the east coast of Australia.
So we are entitled to complain about the cold. At my house on a very chilly winter morning it may be as cold as five degrees Celcius [40 degrees Farenheit] although this happens only very rarely.
Even for some of the birds it is cold.
To prove the point the above photo shows a flock of Dusky Woodswallows in a mass which is, I believe, a strategy to avoid the cold. The photo was taken last year in the middle of winter on the western sides of the Conondale Range.
I would welcome suggestions, in the comments below, for collective nouns to describe this agglomeration.
By the way Woodswallows are chunky little insectivorous birds found in the south Pacific, Australia and southern and eastern Asia. Australia has six species; White breasted, White browed, Dusky, Little, Black faced and Masked.
In the eastern forests where I live only the White breasted and Dusky [below] are common, with the latter being pretty much a winter visitor from the south.
Below is a small gallery of our beautiful Australian Woodswallows.
White browed Woodswallow – male
Masked Woodswallow
Black faced Woodswallows
White breasted Woodswallow
Little Woodswallow
Hi Ken,
Welcome to the blog!
The White-breasted Woodswallows over here in the Kimberley like to cuddle in a fight for the shade as well as when it is cold.
How about a ‘cord’ of woodswallows? It is how we measure wood, after all.
I love, love that top Woodswallow photo. Our Tree Swallows in the NYC-area also like to nestle & cuddle in the cold, here is a photo I took on the beach in January 2019: https://flic.kr/p/2cFPjNr
A belated welcome to the blog, Ken!