A chance remark may have opened the door to a whole new branch of alternative medicine. To complement homeopathic remedies, hypnotherapy and acupuncture, may I suggest Ornitherapy.
Towards the end of a beautiful day in Boston’s Mount Auburn Cemetery, I was investigating some Blue Jay alarms and suddenly found myself face to face with an Eastern Screech Owl. Close enough in fact to make it cross-eyed. I moved slowly back and kept up a soothing mumble to reassure the owl that I was not a threat, then found a shady spot from which to watch.
To have a spare morning in such a beautiful setting should have been cause enough to describe my mood as “chipper”, but add in a self-found owl, sitting out in full view and I found myself to be positively buoyant. After a short while, I left the owl in peace and soon after bumped into a young lady who was looking for owls.
It was her remark, “..an owl a day..” that made me wonder if anyone has already taken a lead in this exciting field. I already self-administer and to paraphrase our beat writer, Duncan, “I could quit any time I want to”. But I probably wouldn’t.
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