I have continued to enjoy all of the birds that have been coming to feed on the Hakea macrocarpa in Cygnet Park this week. Last week I introduced you to all of the honeyeaters that had been feasting on the nectar. The tree has a few less flowers now after some unseasonal rain this week, but continues to attract the birds.
The header photo is of an Olive-backed Oriole that has been feasting on the nectar. I have only ever observed one bird at a time at the tree despite the prolific flowering. I often hear them in the park, but they can disappear into the bush and you can’t actually easily find them. The stripes on the front of the Olive-backed Oriole are useful when you are looking for them!

Olive-backed Oriole at the flowers of the Hakea macrocarpa
There has been a pair of Red-collared Lorikeets in the tree most days too. You would think that such a brightly coloured bird would be easily seen, but they can actually disappear amongst all of the flowers.

The pair of Red-collared Lorikeets

Red-collared Lorikeet
As you can see the Red-collared Lorikeets are very good at hanging upside down if the need arises to get near the best nectar!
I will continue to enjoy all of the birds visiting this tree for some time yet!
Nice oriole! The posture, color etc. remind me of spiderhunters, but probably they are not really related, just convergent evolution … The Lorikeet really is a bit too colorful for me though. Only bearable as a b/w photo, I think …
The Lorikeet is like a child would colour in a bird!