The 17th Annual Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival will take place from the twenty-second of January until the twenty-seventh of January in 2014. Will you be there? I sure as heck will!
I haven’t been to Space Coast since 2012 and man did I miss it last year. What’s not to like about amazingly cooperative birds, fascinating bird behavior, and a bird that is impossible to find outside of Florida? Oh, and Mottled Ducks! Who can resist the Mottled Duck?
This year’s festival will be raptor-themed and why not? With Red-shouldered Hawks like the one at the top of this post, Crested Caracaras and Snail Kites, and lots of Bald Eagles and Osprey around, it only makes sense to focus on those big predators.
At the festival I’ll be presenting a workshop called Bird Blogging 101, co-leading two field trips for Black Rails (with the hopes of making up for the Fail Rail), likely co-leading a couple of other trips, and generally birding and enjoying the festival.
Will you be coming to Titusville for Space Coast? If you do please come up and say “Hi!” I’ll be the guy who is either elated at finally having spotted a Black Rail or despondent about having missed it.
10,000 Birds is a Scrub-Jay level sponsor of the 17th Annual Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival
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