Australian Magpies are not a common sight in Broome. There appears to be a pair that reside between the Broome Senior High School and the Boulevarde Shopping Centre and we have observed them in that area since we moved here in 1999. We have occasionally observed one near Gantheaume Point, but this may well be one of these Australian Magpies, because nowhere is far in Broome. We also often encounter them just out of town near the Pony Club and that is where these photos were taken. The Australian Magpies in Victoria have a different plumage and that can be seen here.
Whilst I cycle around Broome I am always very aware of my surroundings and recently discovered an Australian Magpie nest. If the structure in the header photo looks familiar to you then you may remember the Australian Hobby nest from two years ago. There are very few tall structures in Broome with buildings restricted to two storeys. This tower would be one of the tallest structures in town and it is also close to the Broome Senior High School and close to the Broome airport. For whatever reason the Australian Hobby is not using the nest on this tall tower this year, but the Australian Magpies have clearly taken up residence.
I was able to take photos of the pair of Australian Magpies from both the Broome airport road and parked next to the Broome Senior High School. Due to the height of the structure you can’t get too close to get photos, but it is clear the Australian Magpies are nesting.

Tower the Australian Magpies are nesting on

Australian Magpie on the nest and the tower

Australian Magpie on the nest

Australian Magpie on the tower
Clearly it is a long way up and a long way down, but it appears to suit the pair of Australian Magpies in town and hopefully they successfully rear their young at this location. Another pair of Australian Magpies have recently chosen a more conventional tree beside the turn off for the Crab Creek Road from the Broome Road approximately 12 kilometres from town. The nest of sticks is above the Magpie-lark nest made of mud.

Australian Magpie nest above the Magpie-lark nest
Although we have not travelled far this year we have been lucky enough to observe quite a few nests in our local area including Mistletoebirds, Tawny Frogmouths, Little Terns and Pied Oystercatchers.
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