You may remember that back in January I rejoined the Bloggerhead Kingbirds and competed in my second Superbowl of...
It hasn’t even started filming yet but Mike Tyson’s pigeon racing show on Animal Planet is now taking fire...
Seriously. I mean, who goes on a vacation of a lifetime through New Zealand and decides to not only...
The birding world has celebrities, celebrities that we at 10,000 Birds like to call birderati, and sometimes one is...
It is the twenty-sixth of March. By the calendar, spring has been here for nearly a week. Red-winged Blackbird...
As I did about a week and a half ago (and described here) I recently took another stroll across...
Caution! If you click on the link that follows you might experience nausea and extreme giddiness, and there is...
Because with possible sightings like these, well, what birder wouldn’t want to go?
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