I guess I should apologize for this quiz up front.  Special note to Corey, Charlie and Mike … I request that you do not strip the “quizmaster” epaulettes from my decorative 10,000 Birds jacket for posting this quiz.

A few years ago I flew on Southwest Airlines from my hometown near Albany NY to a location within the ABA area.  My friend Rich Guthrie suggested that I drive to a very specific location about an hour from my destination airport in order to see something very good, birding-wise.

Directions: Just answer the questions below.  Please do not post species names, family names, location names, etc.

•    2 miles, 39 yards, 1 foot.
•    I was breathless upon arrival at this location for two reasons, in addition to the birds.
•    Three life birds easily observed from a seated position at a picnic table.
•    Common in their respective environments.
•    Three common suit colors.
•    The only three species of this genus on the ABA checklist (no peeking).
•    None of these birds are on the New York State checklist.

QUESTION: What does “watermelon” have to do with this quiz?

How many times does the following three letter word appear in this post?
–    The 1st letter of this word is the last letter of the name of the specific location.
–    The 2nd letter of this word is the last letter of the name of all three of these species (in English).
–    The 3rd letter of this word is the last letter of the genus name (Latin).

Again, please let others have the joy and frustration of figuring this one out on their own … so don’t post names of birds, names of families, location names, etc.

Birds in quizzes are ABA birds (Version 7.0, November 2008) unless otherwise stated.  Post your answers in the comments below.

Have fun and good luck.

Written by Jory
Jory's first field guide-identified bird was a Northern Cardinal. This turned out to be his gateway drug into birding. In 2007 Jory became the least accomplished birder to see 300 birds in New York State in one year. He has birded the world over but maintains his birding "beginner mind", of which he is inordinately proud. Just ask him. Jory is the 10,000 Birds Avian Quizmaster, coming up with ever more diabolical ways to stump his legion of devoted fans. He lives with his wife and the possessions of his children just outside of Albany NY.