Today the Center for Biological Diversity and the American Bird Conservancy plan to file a petition with the Environmental Protection Agency to ban the use of lead in ammunition used for hunting and in fishing tackle. From the article in the New York Times:
The petitioners argue that “it is now incontrovertible fact” that lead fragments in the bodies of animals shot with lead bullets or lead pellets are “a serious source of lead exposure to scavenging animals” and a health risk to humans who eat hunters’ kills.
Scientists have found that chronic lead poisoning in birds leads to appetite loss, anemia, anorexia, reproductive or neurological impairment, immune suppression, weakness, and susceptibility to predation and starvation,” the petition said…Michael Fry, a wildlife toxicologist who directs conservation advocacy for the American Bird Conservancy, said that even sub-lethal levels of lead in condors, bald eagles and other raptors can be debilitating, affecting their ability to fly and avoid collisions.
This is a basic, common-sense initiative that will protect wildlife, hunters, and the environment. So it is likely that it won’t be implemented for years and years and years and even then be watered down.
As far as I know, lead ammo is cheaper.
So of course it is basic, common sense NOT to ban it, right?
Jochen, I wish that other people that make this argument were kidding too.
Look, mate, you (at least pretend to) read Belltowerbirding, so you should know I am humourless and never, ever kid!
No, to those hunters making the cost argument, I would suggest that the same principle then applies to canned foods as well. Back to the Lead, with greetings from John Franklin’s corpse!