We are well and truly in our “Wet Season” now and hardly a day goes by when we don’t have a storm appear out of nowhere. It is challenging when you rely on a bicycle for transport for most of the week, but I have learnt to read the sky over the years and storms are isolated and often further away than you think. I have been caught out, but it is only water and it is not cold! I will not go out when there’s a lot of thunder and lightning, though! We have been caught out in the car and that is enough. On one occasion we had lightning hit a puddle very close to our tent when we were camping and that is not something you want to happen if it is avoidable.
Last weekend we were out and about when two storms started to form and they were both heading for Broome. It was spectacular to watch because we were in our car! The land was already saturated and everywhere is looking very lush and it is far from over yet. In fact we got home just in time because the skies really did open and we had 46mm in 20 minutes at home! That really is flooding rain and quite an experience.
When we returned to the Poo Ponds we discovered the Swinhoe’s Snipe were making the most of the soft ground and feeding during the day. Other birds were making the most of the fresh rain water puddles and a nice change from the Poo Pond water! Once again I took photos through the car window and through the Poo Pond fence.
A Common Sandpiper had come up from the nearby beach and was having a good wash.
Common Sandpiper bathing
A Black-fronted Dotterel had decided it was also a good place to get a bath and a good preen.
Black-fronted Dotterel bathing
The Masked Lapwings were looking at us through the fence and being cautious and vocal because they currently have two fluffy chicks to guard. The family are inside the Poo Pond fence, so they are protected to a certain extent, but they are still their usual vocal selves.
Masked Lapwing peering through the Poo Pond fence
The Poo Ponds unfortunately have a dirt road around the perimeter and so consideration needs to be taken before you head there if you don’t want to get your car too muddy! There’s always plenty to see all year round, though and always worth a visit.
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