One weekend does not dictate the tempo of a year, but it never hurts to get a year off on the right foot. How did that work out for you this weekend? Are you looking forward to more like it or hoping for better?
I’ve spent most of my weekend beating my head against this blog (in a metaphorical sense of course.) At least I could enjoy Northern Cardinals peeking through my window! Corey’s Best Bird of the Weekend was a Wilson’s Snipe that flushed from nearly underfoot at the Edgemere Landfill in Queens. How can anyone dislike a snipe?
How about you? What was your best bird of the weekend? Tell us in the comments section about the rarest, loveliest, or most fascinating bird you observed. If you’ve blogged about your weekend experience, you should include a link in your comment.
Siberian White Crane in the wetlands on Poyang Lake, China
I went to Tybee Island on my first weekend of birding and saw Ring-billed, Herring, and Laughing Gulls, Ruddy Turnstones, and the highlight of the trip- Common Loon.
White-winged Scoters here on the Olympic Peninsula. Surf Scoters are much more common, so it’s always fun to see their White-winged cousins.
Two birds that have absolutely nothing in common except they were both lifers on the same day in Brooklyn: razorbill and saw-whet. If they’d met, they’d have nothing to talk about.
My best was a Fox Sparrow, which was somehow a lifer for me.
I had a great first week. Last weekend I saw a Snowy Owl in Seattle and a Black Oystercatcher in Port Townsend earlier in the week!
Oriental Stork. I thought it was going to be s stunning Chinese Grosbeak, but I was wrong. Funny thing was, while I saw staring at a patch of reeds desperately trying to confirm the stork I saw a Eurasian Bittern, only my second ever!
My birding weekend was rather botched by a nasty cold, but I did spot this, er…unidentified hummingbird: http://www.eggsuckdog.net/shambling-chase/
Anyone know what that was? It didn’t get close enough for a good look, unfortunately, and my efforts to chase it down only resulted in grainy photos and a stubbed toe. I’m hoping to get a better look of it, some day soon.