Summer weather ain’t what it used to be around these parts. An ill-timed polar vortex has sucked all the heat–and fun— out of mid-summer. At least the birds seem to appreciate the clement weather!
For once, I was pleased to see our omnipresent local Ring-billed Gulls this weekend, since I realized I didn’t see a single larid while in Colombia. Corey greatly enjoyed his weekend in the beautiful Catskill Mountains of upstate New York with family and friends. In addition to the camping and camaraderie he took some time to catch up to the local breeding birds of which there were quite a few. His favorite, and therefore his Best Bird of the Weekend, was actually a family of Eastern Phoebes, in particular the four fledglings. That level of cute is tough to top!
How about you? What was your best bird of the weekend? Tell us in the comments section about the rarest, loveliest, or most fascinating bird you observed. If you’ve blogged about your weekend experience, you should include a link in your comment.
No luck with the Rock Warblers, but I did get my life Bassian Thrushes, which were great.
I had an amazing weekend because I got to go on a “Puffin Cruise” sponsored by the Port Townsend Marine Science Center. We saw THIRTEEN Tufted Puffins and lots of Rhinoceros Auklets and Pigeon Guillemots fishing off the end of Protection Island, and 45 Bald Eagles on the island. Then we saw a new nesting colony of Caspian Terns on the far side of a little spit of an island in Port Townsend Bay. The puffins were my best bird of the weekend and the year here on the Olympic Peninsula!
We were woken up just as the sky was starting to get light on Saturday morning by a Western Screech-owl calling in our yard in Walla Walla, Washington – hardly a rare bird but not something we’d ever seen or heard near our house before, so I was pretty excited!
We birded Pipeline Rd this weekend and the Metropolitan Park. We didn’t get a single lifer but we did get some good birds – Great Potoo, Crested Owl, Short-tailed Nighthawk, Blue Cotinga and more.
I was happy to see a Black Tern at my favorite summer birding spot, Mecox Inlet in Southampton, Long Island. I thought it had shown up late, but looking at eBird, I see that it’s right on schedule. https://flic.kr/p/oyB9kA