I don’t know about you, but after a four-day weekend, I become completely disoriented. Summer is sensational for the many breaks from routine it affords, but sometimes, schedules are soothing!
One sighting that came right on schedule for me was that of Ospreys on their nests all along the perimeter of Montezuma NWR. Love that! Corey’s selection for Best Bird of the Weekend this weekend was easy. The first Elegant Tern ever spotted in New York State is an amazingly good bird, especially when it is one of eight tern species for the weekend. (The others were Common, Forster’s, Least, Black, Arctic, Roseate, and Royal.)
How about you? What was your best bird of the weekend? Tell us in the comments section about the rarest, loveliest, or most fascinating bird you observed. If you’ve blogged about your weekend experience, you should include a link in your comment.
A flock of Redpoll on my street. Only the second time I have seen them in Wellington.
During a weekend focused on finding some tough, key targets in southwestern Costa Rica, my lifer Ocellated Crake barely edges out my lifer Paint-billed Crake because the Ocellated is a lot more difficult to see (it’s basically a feathered rodent).
A flock of 24 or so Brown Pelican at Ocean City, MD. A flyby Royal Tern was also nice.
Indigo Bunting! Indigo Bunting! (@ North Park Nature Center in Chicago)
Lifer Lazuli Buntings while having dinner at my boss’s house! (Luckily she’s a bird person too and understood why I was excited…)
Hot, humid weather provided an appropriate name for my monthly bird walk – “Birding in a Sauna”. The cool birds were hiding but we did have two uncommon experiences.
First, one birder came with a foot of stepping on an unseen Killdeer sitting on 4 eggs. The bird sat motionless as we unknowingly approached. When we got to close it let out a loud, piercing screech. As we gathered round to gawk and take pictures, the Killdeer continued to protect the eggs in the nest. What an exciting find.
5 minutes later our enjoyment ebbed as we watched a Herring Gull swallow a duckling, a Wood Duck, I think. Not as exhilarating as the Killdeer.