Whether your weekend is still rolling or you are already preparing for the next one, you probably saw some excellent birds during the first weekend of September. This time of year is just that good.
Actually, nothing I saw at Montezuma NWR was remarkable for this place at this time of year, but Pied-billed Grebe is a classic summer bird at Montezuma, and I spotted one late chick with that awesome zig-zag head stripe going on. That was definitely my best sighting. Corey got his Best Bird of the Weekend early this weekend as while he and his family were making their way home from a week-long vacation in Cape Cod on Friday a Black-throated Gray Warbler was found in Queens at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge. His wonderful family agreed to drive straight there before going home and Corey got a new Queens bird! Now that’s a Best Bird of the Weekend!
How about you? What was your best bird of the weekend? Tell us in the comments section about the rarest, loveliest, or most fascinating bird you observed. If you’ve blogged about your weekend experience, you should include a link in your comment.
Short-Toed Snake-Eagle
150 Sandhill Cranes grazing in a field
Purple Heron