April has come and will soon be gone, hopefully carrying a bounty of bodacious birds in its wake for you. Rest assured that, no matter how good this month has been, May has the potential to be so much better.
An unseemly April snowfall illuminated the capricious climate of the Great Lakes region as I encountered Caspian Terns, our harbinger of spring, flying over Long-tailed Ducks, our waterfowl of winter. Either works as my best bird. Corey had most of the morning on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to bird and he made the most of it, adding over twenty species to his year list for Queens and just generally enjoying spring migration. His Best Bird of the Weekend was an easy one though, as he found a Kentucky Warbler in Forest Park on Friday morning, only his fifth sighting of the species in Queens ever and his earliest by four days.
How about you? What was your best bird of the weekend? Tell us in the comments section about the rarest, loveliest, or most fascinating bird you observed. If you’ve blogged about your weekend experience, you should include a link in your comment.
Greater Roadrunner
Yellow-throated vireo!
First Yellow Warbler of the year, heard at a farm in Plymouth Meeting, PA.
And I forgot to report last weekend … in my old stomping grounds (Bronxville Lake in Westchester County, NY) with my new family, I got to show my toddler a “runny duck” … and then his amazing eyes found “little tiny baby duckies” — a pair of Green-winged Teal!