Your first weekend of spring or fall may have been uneventful in terms of birds, but pace yourself. We still have months of blissful migration ahead of us!
Rochester is still wintry, but bird activity among the common species has picked up quite a bit. My best sighting was a Hairy Woodpecker puffed up to fight the cold. Corey’s Best Bird of the Weekend was one of the easiest to decide that he can remember. On Saturday he dragged his family to the Adirondack Mountains to see a stake out Great Gray Owl in Keene, a first for all three in the family. Though both Corey and Daisy were impressed by the amazing owl Desi summed up his opinion with one word: “Boring!”
How about you? What was your best bird of the weekend? Tell us in the comments section about the rarest, loveliest, or most fascinating bird you observed. If you’ve blogged about your weekend experience, you should include a link in your comment.
I have to go with the Red-naped Sapsucker in the palm grove near the Marina. Only my second since being in Mexico.