Halloween weekend has passed, but the big day is yet to come. Has anyone seen any noteworthy bird costumes recently?
The best bird I saw this weekend was a lone Yellow-rumped Warbler, though it was not the bird that briefly appeared on the field during the World Series! Corey’s Best Bird of the Weekend was a Clay-colored Sparrow at Jacob Riis Park in coastal Queens, the only really noteworthy find among the hordes of sparrows that were around on Saturday morning.
How about you? What was your best bird of the weekend? Tell us in the comments section about the rarest, loveliest, or most fascinating bird you observed. If you’ve blogged about your weekend experience, you should include a link in your comment.
I’ll go for Hermit Thrushes. They are moving through S. Ontario right now, some will stay for the winter.
Among the avalanche of late migrants they seem to be the least concerned about the approach of winter, at least compared to Red-winged BLackbirds, European Starlings, Cedar waxwings.
More on my blog: mybirdoftheday.ca
Gee, which of the six albatross species that I saw, yes, six, was the winner?
Probably the Salvin’s Albatross. It nudged me over 250 species seen this year!
About 30 Ruddy Ducks in the midst of hundreds of American Coots at our local state park, Dallas, TX.
Flock of Stellars Jay in midtown Socorro New Mexico.