Now that autumn has fallen, my part of the world feels like summer. Hopefully, October offers more of the same!
My best birds this weekend were American Goldfinches on purple coneflowers, which is where I like them best. Corey’s Best Bird of the Weekend was a surprise Marsh Wren which popped up out of the reeds while Corey was busy counting Chimney Swifts feeding low over Willow Lake in Queens on Saturday morning. It’s always nice to see a Marsh Wren and even nicer when it pauses in plain view for a moment to allow for a photograph!
How about you? What was your best bird of the weekend? Tell us in the comments section about the rarest, loveliest, or most fascinating bird you observed. If you’ve blogged about your weekend experience, you should include a link in your comment.
A Blue-headed Vireo found while leading a group of newish birders. It was a fleeting glimpse and they probably wondered what the big deal was. I loved it. Read the full story on my blog by clicking on my name above.
During a weekend in NYC, I chanced to see a warbler on 57th St. btw 11th & 12th, but am not sure of the ID. (No wing bars/eyering/facial markings = Orange-crowned?)
So I’m going to go with the hawks I saw soaring over the eastern side of Central Park yesterday morning, and assume that they were Pale Male and/or his mate and/or their progeny.
@Corey: NICE Marsh Wren, dude!