Around this time of year (or much, much earlier) we start hearing those beloved carols everywhere we go. But I don’t need reminding that it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Unlike most of you, I live in what is currently the second snowiest city in the United States. I’m not dreaming of a white Christmas either… I’m dreading it 😉
But we have splendid birds in Western NY all year long. This weekend, we all enjoyed the sight of a Bald Eagle perched in a farm field along the highway, an uncommon spot for an uncommonly charismatic avian. Corey had a pleasing plethora of good birds from which to choose his Best Bird of the Weekend from this week. Three owls, Common Eiders, Lesser Black-backed Gulls, an Orange-crowned Warbler, a wide variety of dabbling ducks: the list goes on and on! But of all of them his first Long-eared Owl in nearly three years is his choice. Not a bad Best Bird of the Weekend by any standard!
How about you? What was your best bird of the weekend? Tell us in the comments section about the rarest, loveliest, or most fascinating bird you observed. If you’ve blogged about your weekend experience, you should include a link in your comment.
I wasn’t able to go birding this weekend, but just squeaked in my Best Bird of the (Extended) Weekend … a female or juvenile American Kestrel sitting on a railing outside my boss’s office windows, 9 stories up over Philadelphia!
Since Corey took the Long-eared Owl, I’ll go with the Snowy Owl I saw on Saturday with my friend Christina (thanks to intel from Corey). Snowy Owls are becoming a (almost) regular sighting in these parts, but it’s always wonderful sharing one with a friend. https://flic.kr/p/Q2LJph