How was your weekend? Did the New Year bring you any good birds? Don’t be shy… tell us about your best bird!
My favorite birds of the weekend were the Ravens from Baltimore who inflicted a great unkindness on the New England Patriots. The Ravens join the incredibly explosive Arizona Cardinals as the only two bird-named teams to advance in the NFL playoffs. Corey’s best bird was an actual avian, a Green-winged Teal in Cold Spring Harbor. Charlie is thinking of distant birds, which sometimes keeps him from enjoying his local ones.
What was your best bird of the weekend? Tell us about the rarest, loveliest, or most fascinating bird you observed in the comments section. If you’ve blogged about your weekend experience, we invite you to include the link in your comment.
I had a few good sightings this weekend, but the highlight has to be watching a large female goshawk land in a tree before being chased off by crows seconds later.
Would you believe a mourning dove? That should tell you about the birds in Michigan this weekend. Of course, since I was hunkered down inside myself, I can hardly blame them for doing the same. If only it got warmer more quickly as the days lengthen.
Lapland Longspurs at a NASCAR track down near Charlotte. The Larks were nice too.
The ibis mummy at the Brooklyn Museum of Art.
Of course, had I known there was an American Pipit in Prospect Park I might have actually ventured out in the cold, but nooooooo….
Probably the Long-tailed Ducks viewed from the porch of the Sandy Hook Bird Observatory.
Rusty Blackbird in Idaho! Also Virginia Rail, a first for my little neighborhood. The Great Horned Owls seem to be pairing up and are highly visible in the trees in my neighborhood too.
Masked Duck in Florida 🙂
This one is actually from my first weekend in January, since my blog life lags my real life . . . and my real life just lags. Anyway, who do you think might have made that impression?
How about Narina Trogon, Rudd’s Apalis, Lemon-breasted Canary, and Pink-throated Twinspot? All the Maputoland endemics plus an African trogon in a weekend is a huge highlight!