Mid-June may be the most perfect time of year, offering maximum nice weather with minimal catastrophic natural events. Even the birding is decent. With a foundation this firm, you can’t help but have a great weekend, right?
My daughter was in the mood to see Indigo Buntings, so she accompanied me on my annual visit to Rush Oak Openings. The Blue-winged Warblers I always look forward to seeing were heard-only, but those beauteous blue buntings made the trip a success. Corey only birded for a bit on Saturday afternoon and didn’t see much that was terribly exciting. Of what he did see, a pair of Bald Eagles at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge was the highlight, a species that didn’t used to be around in June in Queens at all. So, Bald Eagles as his Best Bird of the Weekend.
How about you? What was your best bird of the weekend? Tell us in the comments section about the rarest, loveliest, or most fascinating bird you observed. If you’ve blogged about your weekend experience, you should include a link in your comment.
Boreal Chickadee
I’ve seen birds battle their own reflections before, but never a female House Sparrow — she was furiously going at herself in a windshield!
Beautiful Black-headed Grosbeaks at our feeders here on the Olympic Peninsula. To my surprise, two males were feeding side-by-side on two sunflower seed feeders.
I saw that pair of Bald Eagles early Friday morning at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge (my first). Just as the first one flew in, half the birds in the Bay vacated, like a low flying helicopter flushed them. As the old Forrest Gump movie said, “birding [Life] is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get !”