Your experience of the month so far may differ from mine, but around these parts, March roared in like a lion filled with tiger blood. I suspect though that once we get past the Ides of March (beware!) we might have a shot at another spring. And isn’t that an inspiring thought?

Moved by an unseasonable bout of optimism, I went owl-chasing this weekend and actually encountered what has been a true nemesis bird for me: Northern Saw-whet Owl! Enjoy the details and proof here. For Corey, this was a weekend without a single standout species but with many birds that were pretty darn neat.  The Snow Geese at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge will soon be winging their way north, so he spent some quality time with them, his best birds of the weekend.

What was your best bird of the weekend? Tell us in the comments section about the rarest, loveliest, or most fascinating bird you observed. If you’ve blogged about your weekend experience, you should include a link in your comment.

Written by Mike
Mike is a leading authority in the field of standardized test preparation, but he's also a traveler who fully expects to see every bird in the world. Besides founding 10,000 Birds in 2003, Mike has also created a number of other entertaining but now extirpated nature blog resources, particularly the Nature Blog Network and I and the Bird.