How was your weekend? Did you see awesome birds? Take good care of the mothers in your life? Most important, did you love our Pink Bird Weekend? What was your favorite part?
Birds were certainly on the move around here despite frigid temps. I got into a great little wave of migrants on Saturday morning, coming away with blistering views of Blackburnian Warbler, one of my all time favorite warblers. Corey had lots of birds to choose from as his Best Bird of the Weekend but he couldn’t resist the siren song of the Wood Thrush, which were moving through in numbers this weekend.
How about you? What was your best bird of the weekend? Tell us in the comments section about the rarest, loveliest, or most fascinating bird you observed. If you’ve blogged about your weekend experience, you should include a link in your comment.
The Painted Buntings are in my backyard again–one male and four green ones, I assume an adult female and three juveniles.
I found a Western Grebe during the World Series. That was pretty sweet.
high-tailed it up to northern Michigan and spent two hours alone with a Kirtland’s Warbler
I saw many good birds as part of the Sandy Hook (NJ) Century Run team (plus the changed landscope of Sandy Hook itself). But, the best was the Little Gull at the Morgan Mudflats, South Amboy, seen with Scott and Linda after torrential rain and lightning put an early end to the Sandy Hook birding: http://flic.kr/p/eiZvrr
And, we all wished we could call Patrick about the bird!
Our annual spring bird count was Saturday. I spotted a totally unexpected Red-headed Woodpecker flying by.
Resplendent Quetzal beat out four species of toucans, Scarlet-thighed Dacnis, Black Guan, and 15 species of hummingbirds while visiting Poas,Cinchona,and the Nature Pavilion in Costa Rica on Sunday.
A self-found Greenish Warbler near Langhagen, NE Germany as the result of an otherwise unsuccesful search for Red-breasted Flycatchers. Sweet. But I Still want those flycatchers.
I got to hold a Least Flycatcher in my hands last week … unfortunately, after it had shuffled off this mortal coil thanks to a Chicago skyscraper. So my second-best but more cheerful BBotW would be, like Katrina, a Red-headed Woodpecker … it was a lifer for me at Montrose Point, and absolutely spectacular!
Lifer Red-backed Shrikes, male & female, in Ansbach, Germany.
Wow, I wish I were birding with Pat O’Donnell! Here on the Olympic Peninsula, I was happy to see Rhinoceros Auklets out on Port Townsend Bay.