Global Big Day 2017 is in the books, with 15,954 participants submitting 40,698 checklists to eBird accounting for 6,068 species… so far. What a weekend for birders all over the world. I hope you were able to be a part of the festivities.
Despite poor conditions, I was able to add a few FOY migrants on Global Big Day, including a snazzy Cape May Warbler (like this one) at Cobbs Hill Park. Corey had no problem choosing his Best Bird of the Weekend this weekend as he managed to see a new bird for him in his home borough of Queens! He almost missed the bird though, as while seawatching during the nor’easter at Fort Tilden with Brooklyn-based birder Shane Blodgett the wind, rain, and cool temperatures conspired to cause Corey to shiver. He gave up seawatching and headed out, only to get a call from Shane within minutes that a Sooty Shearwater was flying past. The rapid u-turn and speeding back to Shane’s position probably broke several laws but Corey didn’t care: he got his shearwater!
How about you? What was your best bird of the weekend? Tell us in the comments section about the rarest, loveliest, or most fascinating bird you observed. If you’ve blogged about your weekend experience, you should include a link in your comment.
I was participating in the Global Big Day while hiking in the Olympic Mountains at about 2,000′, and the friendliest birds by far were three Gray Jays.
I was hiking in the Olympic Mountains and at 2000′ found three Gray Jays, the friendliest birds and best part of my Global Big Day!
Best for me was Rufescent Tiger-Heron during a day with 230 species in Costa Rica.
Bearded Vulture near Shymkent, Kazakhstan. Best bird in the world.
That’s a good one!
That’s a better one!
Lovely fairy-wrens at Endeavour River National Park, Cooktown, Far North Queensland.