What a weekend. Exciting avian activity occurred all across America and undoubtedly beyond. Were you a part of any of it?
Weekends where Corey and I both take down life birds are far too rare these days, but we just enjoyed one. I finally found my first Pine Grosbeak after watching waves of irrupting winter finches all week long. Corey paid his dues too, investing 15 hours in the search for the vagrant Virginia’s Warbler in Queens before finally spotting his quarry…
Do you see the Virginia’s Warbler here? Click the pic for a much, much better view!
How about you? What was your best bird of the weekend? Tell us in the comments section about the rarest, loveliest, or most fascinating bird you observed. If you’ve blogged about your weekend experience, you should include a link in your comment.
I also found a Virginia’s Warbler, here in Heidelberg/Germany… not.
A late Serin was nice!
Congrats to you guys on getting lifers this weekend. I wasnt able to get in any birding but a Short-tailed Hawk flying near the house was nice.
My life red crossbill in Center City, PA.
Red Breasted Nuthatch. he just moved in to the neighborhood & bc he’s a horder we spent alot of quality time together over the wknd & boy, he is swift 🙂
Saturday morning I dragged my daughter to Village Creek Drying ponds (in exchange for going shopping with her later) and IDed 20 species. One was a lifer for me, Northern Pintail. The Texas drought meant that only a very few of the ponds had water in them.
Some early Barrow’s Goldeneyes on Silver Lake in Boise!