You may have experienced one of the weirdest weekends of your life, what with all bars and restaurants closed and people maintaining a healthy distance from even close friends and family. Then again, you may have passed Saturday and Sunday in quite the same way you spend all your weekends: looking at birds and communing with nature. Sometimes the little things really do mean the most.
Ivy and I braved what I hope is the last bout of winter cold in these parts to see what was happening at the Braddock Bay Hawk Watch platfrom. Alas, the pickings were slim apart from one freezing raptor counter. Still, we picked some Bufflehead out in the channel, which is never a bad sighting. Corey got out a bit on Saturday morning in the midst of the Corona Virus quarantine to do a bit of birding on the coast. While his hoped for first Piping Plovers and Laughing Gulls did not show up he did score his first Osprey of the year in Queens, easily his Best Bird of the Weekend.
How about you? What was your best bird of the weekend? Tell us in the comments section about the rarest, loveliest, or most fascinating bird you observed. If you’ve blogged about your weekend experience, you should include a link in your comment.
Four-Walled Lockdownbird