Quarry birding is rewarding anywhere in the world, but in the Kimberley it can often be the last place that birds can find water after months with no rain. Often the quarries are very picturesque too as you can see above and below! This particular quarry north of Fitzroy Crossing was almost dry when we last visited, but not dry enough that there were no birds at all.


Quarry landscape

There actually could not have been much less water really, because it was little more than a hoof print full after the last of the cattle gave up on it for a supply of water!


The total water left at the quarry!

Knowing how important water is to birds in the bush we decided to sit and wait a few minutes and see if the water supply was still in use. We were not surprised to soon have birds dropping into the quarry for a drink. The first bird to arrive was a Crested Pigeon who checked the first hollow and it was only damp, so moved to the last remaining water. It was then followed by several Zebra Finch desperate for a drink.


Crested Pigeon at a damp hole


Zebra Finch

It didn’t take long and a Magpie-lark arrived on the scene followed by Peaceful Doves and they nipped in for a drink.


Magpie-lark and Peaceful Doves

Next on the scene was a lone Diamond Dove with its lovely red eye and spotty wing pattern.


Diamond Dove, Peaceful Doves and Magpie-lark

Just when you thought it was all looking a bit “grey” and “black and white” who should show up, but our beautiful Spinifex Pigeons! You just have to love these birds!






Spinifex Pigeons, Peaceful Doves, Diamond Dove and Magpie-lark

The water would not last for many more days at all and maybe if we had stayed longer even more bird species would have dropped by, but we were happy to leave them to it on such a hot dry day.

Written by Clare M
Clare and her husband, Grant, have lived permanently in Broome, Western Australia since 1999 after living in various outback locations around Western Australia and Darwin. She has lived in the Middle East and the United States and traveled extensively in Europe. She monitors Pied Oystercatchers breeding along a 23km stretch of Broome's coastline by bicycle and on foot. She chooses not to participate in social media, but rather wander off into the bush for peace and tranquility. Thankfully she can write posts in advance and get away from technology!