Which bird species do you think is the biggest attraction to visitors to your lodge (please name only one species)?
The Sandhill Crane

What is the name of your lodge, and since when has your lodge been operating?
Caribou Lodge Alaska, since 1992

How best to travel to your lodge?
Once you arrive in Anchorage, Alaska, we coordinate your floatplane air-taxi ride to our lodge
Wilson’s Warbler

What kind of services – except for accommodation and food – does your lodge offer to visiting birders?
Daily guided tours.

What makes your lodge special?
We are the only wilderness lodge in Southcentral Alaska with a view of Denali and we are located on main flyways for many migratory species.
American Three-toed Woodpecker

What are the 10 – 20 most interesting birds your lodge offers good chances to see?
- Willow Ptarmigan
- Northern Pintail
- Bohemian Waxwing
- Pine Siskin
- Orange-crowned Warbler
- Common Loon
- Greater Yellowlegs
- Wilson’s Snipe
- Wilson’s Warbler
- Northern Shrike
- Varied Thrush
- Northern Harrier
- Osprey
Common Loon

Willow Ptarmigan

What is the best time to visit your lodge, and why?
We operate from June to September, but the best time to catch the bird migration is mid-June to early July.
Yellow Warbler

Is your lodge involved in conservation efforts? If yes, please describe them.
Not specifically.
Violet-green Swallow

What other suggestions can you give to birders interested in visiting your lodge?
Let us know in advance that you are coming specifically for birdwatching, so we can customize your trip and daily tours.
Varied Thrush (male)

Do you have activities for non-birders? If so, please describe.
Yes! Most visitors to our lodge come for guided hiking, kayaking, guided camping, Northern lights, and photography workshops.

If any reader of 10,000 Birds is interested in staying at your lodge, how can they best contact you?INFO@CARIBOULODGEALASKA.COM or +1-877-700-2875

Is there anything else you would like to share with the readers of 10,000 Birds?
Well over 100 species of birds have been observed here at the lodge over the years. Every summer month brings new birds to our area from the Arctic Warbler in June to the Sandhill Cranes in September. Birds migrate fast up here in the North, so we just encourage our guests to enjoy whatever birds show up on any given day.
Arctic Warbler

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