Which bird species do you think is the biggest attraction to visitors to your lodge (please name only one species)?
The Rufous-faced Antpitta (Grallaria erytrotis)

What is the name of your lodge, and since when has your lodge been operating?
Jucumari Lodge, open since 2024.
Black-hooded Sunbeam

How best to travel to your lodge?
By private car, it is about 1 hour and 30 minutes from La Paz city.

What kind of services – except for accommodation and food – does your lodge offer to visiting birders?
Hummingbird feeder station: there are 6 different species of hummingbirds
- Tyrian Metaltail
- Gould’s Inca
- Great Sapphirewing
- White-bellied Woodstar
- Sparkling Violet-ear
- Bolivian Starfrontlet
Bolivian Starfrontlet

Antpitta feeder station: we have been feeding Rufous-faced Antpitta for a year
Tanager feeding station: there are 2 places where we started to put some corn and bananas for 2 months.
- Blue-capped Tanager
- White-browed Brushfinch
- Bolivian Brushfinch
- Masked Flowerpiercer
- Rufous-collared Sparrow
- Large-tailed Dove
What makes your lodge special?
This area has been investigated by WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) since 2012 and they conclude that in this whole private area, 11 Andean Bears are living here. Besides there are 10 different kinds of mammals and about 140 bird species.
Jucumari Lodge has the first Antpitta feeding station in Bolivia. And this year we will start feeding de Bolivian Antpitta (endemic).
Undulated Antpitta

What are the 10 – 20 most interesting birds that your lodge offers good chances to see?
- Black-hooded Sunbeam (endemic)
- Bolivian Brushfinch (endemic)
- Black-throated Thistletail (endemic)
- Gray-bellied Flowerpiercer(endemic)
- White-browed Brushfinch
- Bolivian Startfronlet (endemic)
- Bolivian Antpitta (endemic)
- Orange-browed Hemispingus
- Gould’s Inca
- Hooded Mountain-Toucan
- Rufous-faced Antpitta
- Light-crowned Spinetail
Hooded Mountain-Toucan

What is the best time to visit your lodge, and why?
The dry season is the best time to visit Jucumari Lodge because, in the rainy season, it rains every day all day, so there is not much bird activity.
Gould’s Inca

Is your lodge involved in conservation efforts? If yes, please describe them.
The WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) puts camera traps every year to do scientific investigations, and they support us by showing this lodge as a sanctuary to the public.
Crimson-mantled Woodpecker

What other suggestions can you give to birders interested in visiting your lodge?
The altitude is one thing to consider – the lodge is at 2900 m to 3800 m.
The area has 4 different habitats cloud forest, elfin forest, paramo, and puna. There is a high probability of seeing a bear.
Black-hooded Sunbeam

Do you have activities for non-birders? If so, please describe.
- Trekking: there are 4 routes for walking
- Fishing: there are 3 different kinds of trout
- Mammal photography: there are more than 5 mammals in the whole area

If any reader of 10,000 Birds is interested in staying at your lodge, how can they best contact you?
- Gmail: jucumarilodge@gmail.com
- Facebook: Jucumari Lodge
- Instagram: jucumari.lodge
- Whatsapp: +59176710669
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