This sounds like an exciting topic for a blog post, right? Birds of a specific place with an unpronounceable name that you have never heard of? Well, this post is more specific than that – it is about the birds of Fliederweg 7, 27374 Visselhövede, Germany.
Which happens to be the exact address of my parents` home. For a birdwatcher, it is rather nice to be at a place where – unlike my 13th floor Shanghai apartment – there are birds right outside the house. The garden benefits from benign neglect, and a variety of bird feed is on offer.
So, what is there to see on a regular winter day? Spoiler alert: nothing too exciting for somebody familiar with European birds, but interesting enough for me …
European Robin
Common Chaffinch
Eurasian Tree Sparrow
Common Blackbird
Great Spotted Woodpecker
European Greenfinch
House Sparrow
Great Tit
Eurasian Blue Tit
Eurasian Jay. Comment of my wife: “Low key extravagance”
Eurasian Wren
Finally, this being Germany, we also have birds that look (at least a little bit) like Hitler. Fortunately not in our garden but in a park nearby …
Marsh Tit
FANTASTIC PHOTOS, I really enjoyed this article.
Thank you!
I’m delighted to say that these species are becoming friends of mine, every one!
Common though they may be, these birds look like stars in your photos.