Brush Bronzewing–Phaps elegans are one of the bird species that we rarely encounter, because we are rarely in the right location in Australia. During our recent visit to South Gippsland in Victoria we had one encounter. They are similar to the Common Bronzewing, but they are a larger bird. Both species are very stocky and usually encountered alone or in pairs. The iridescent patch on the Brush Bronzewing does not stand out as much with the Common Bronzewing. With either of these species you need to have the right light on them to capture the colours anyway.
The header photo shows our first observation of the Brush Bronzewing. We pulled over and watched and waited and of course it ran across the road straight into shadow! Vehicle windscreens are no good for photographing through, so we moved slightly and waited a bit longer!
Brush Bronzewing
The Brush Bronzewing then moved out into the sun to feed on the edge of the gravel road. There was nice light, but no view of the beautiful colours of the wing feathers!
We waited a little longer and thankfully there was no other traffic about. Finally the Brush Bronzewing crossed the road slowly and allowed a photograph that shows the colour on its wings! We really didn’t care how many times it wanted to cross the road feeding!
Around home in Broome we encounter Flock Bronzewings most years and they are another great stocky bird that I am sure you can all appreciate! We hope to observe Flock Bronzewings soon now we are back at home.
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