For with a lark’s heart he doth tower, By a glorious upward instinct drawn; No bee nestles deeper in...
Any day of birding in New York State that includes a sighting of a Vesper Sparrow is a better-then-average...
When trying to attract finches, it can be feast or famine. Some days you get bunches and bunches, other...
Just a quick one this week as life is crazy and rattles relentlessly onwards. Since everyone loves parrots, I thought I’d...
I think most of us in North America have come to the somewhat disappointing conclusion that fall migration is...
The Common Raven, sometimes called the Northern Raven, is an amazing bird. Largest of the passerines, or perching birds, it...
When I digiscoped the European Starlings feeding on hawthorn berries last week I also turned my digiscoping rig towards...
Happy Halloween! See how I assume you celebrate Halloween no matter where in the world you live? Must be...
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