In 2022, the 10,000 Birds eBird Collaborative submitted 1,837 checklists from 9 countries (Australia, China, Costa Rica, Mexico, Saint Lucia, Serbia, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom, and the United States) and observed 1,273 species.
The Collaborative life list increased to 4,140.
New birds in 2022 were:
4,116: Short-tailed Pygmy-Tyrant (Trinidad and Tobago)
4,117: Aztec Rail (Mexico)
4,118: Scaled Antpitta (Costa Rica)
4,119: Steller’s Sea-Eagle (USA)
4,120: Lovely Cotinga (Costa Rica)
4,121: Japanese Cormorant (China)
4,122: Venezuelan Flycatcher (Trinidad and Tobago)
4,123: Blue-backed Manakin (Trinidad and Tobago)
4,124: Rufous-vented Chachalaca (Trinidad and Tobago)
4,125: White-tailed Sabrewing (Trinidad and Tobago)
4,126: Tropical Gnatcatcher (Costa Rica)
4,127: Great Swallow-tailed Swift (Mexico)
4,128: Lesser Antillean Flycatcher (Saint Lucia)
4,129: St. Lucia Warbler (Saint Lucia)
4,130: Purple-throated Carib (Saint Lucia)
4,131: Lesser Antillean Bullfinch (Saint Lucia)
4,132: St. Lucia Oriole (Saint Lucia)
4,133: Scaly-breasted Thrasher (Saint Lucia)
4,134: Lesser Antillean Swift (Saint Lucia)
4,135: Lesser Antillean Saltator (Saint Lucia)
4,136: Gray Trembler (Saint Lucia)
4,137: White-breasted Thrasher (Saint Lucia)
4,138: White-fronted Swift (Mexico)
4,139: Townsend’s Storm-Petrel (USA)
4,140: Cook’s Petrel (USA)
Good Birding in 2023!
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