In March 2022, the Collaborative submitted 184 checklists from 4 countries (Costa Rica, United States, Mexico, and the United Kingdom) and they included 637 species .
The 2022 year list stands at 949 and the life list is now at 4,113.
The only new addition to the life list was a the Tropical Gnatcatcher, in Costa Rica.
Mexico ranks sixth on the Collaborative’s country list with 425 species observed. There are 32 Mexican states and the Collaborative has submitted checklists in nine of them. (Remarkably, the Collaborative has not birded most of the states that border the United States, including Sonora and Chihuahua.) However, the state of Michoacán is well-birded, with 335 species observed. The Collaborative includes the top eBirder in the state!
Overall, Mexico has just over 1,100 species observed and nearly 600,000 checklists. The top eBirder has seen a remarkable 1,027 species! There are more then 4,700 hotpots and the top hotspot, with nearly 360 species, is Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan–La Noria. However, it has not been birded by the Collaborative.
Good Birding in April!
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