Phil McGrew is a nuclear engineer turned currency trader. He moved from Florida to California 3 years ago and in the process, gave up flying small planes for photography. “I mistakenly thought it would be a cheaper hobby.” jokes Phil. This terrific Limpkin battle is Phil’s first contribution to 10,000 Birds:
The only state in the US where Limpkins can be found is Florida. They are normally nocturnal (these photos were taken at sundown) but in Florida, they can be seen during the day. As with many Florida birds, they don’t seem to fear humans as much as other places. I guess when you live with alligators, humans just don’t seem like that big of a deal.
Male Limpkins are very territorial and will fight each other over their space. Presumably, that’s what happened here. After about 10 minutes, the bird on the left lost and flew away.
Very cool photos!
I saw a Limpkin just once in the Dominican Republic as it walked out of the forest and into someone’s garden.
Wow, those are spectacular. I have photography envy!
I’m seeing some mean matrix moves good photographs and story
Sorry to tell you, Limpkins are found in Louisiana, also. Not just Florida.
Two limpkins fighting nearby a water canal in Seminole , Florida two days ago. Quite the scene. One took flight but came back again to fight more. Wished I had a camera at the time.