Corey Callaghan is working on his Master’s Thesis and would like to hear from birders about their opinions on exotic birds. Or, as he writes:
As part of a continuation of my thesis, which was focused on nonnative birds in Florida, I have created a survey in which I’m interested in capturing birders’ opinions on exotic birds. I would really appreciate it if you could take the survey! It should only take 2-4 minutes and is very easy. All responses are anonymous and I’ll be collecting responses until the end of August.
Additionally, I would really appreciate it if you could forward this email or the link to anyone else you may know that is a birder. I’m really trying to collect as many birders’ opinions as possible to get a good grasp on exotic birds in the birding community. My plan is to circulate the survey via email, listservs, and facebook pages in order to generate respondents!
I thank you in advance for your help!
I started, but it was pretty agressively US-centric.
I finished in spite of the survey being entirely focussed on the US.