One would think that an activity that involves healthy doses of splashing through mud, sneaking through woods, and scoping out birds, bugs, and other floral and faunal fascinations would be the domain of youth. Yet most birders I know seem to be on the distinguished as opposed to the limber side of 30, present company included. You’d be hard pressed to find a young birdwatcher at your local blind or Audubon meeting, unless you’ll accept the young at heart.
Appearances to the contrary, men and women, boys and girls, and children of all ages still find mystery, joy, excitement, and comfort in nature. Birding has cross-generational appeal, something for boomers, busters, X’ers, and Y’ers alike. If you don’t believe me, ask Leigh of Alis Volat Propiis. Not only is she proof that some college students actually enjoy birding, but she knows Latin too. Leigh is also the host of I and the Bird #29 so check out what she’s laying down.
We who appreciate superior blogging on wild birds and birding are indifferent to age. Young or old, you’ll surely fit in at I and the Bird. I’m headed out to vacation (finally!) with limited/potentially nonexistent access to e-mail so your best bet is to send a link and a brief summary to our next phenomenal host, Bev of Burning Silo. All submissions should be sent to Bev with IATB in the subject line. She’ll acknowledge all submissions with an email within about 2 days. IATB #30 is scheduled for Thursday, August 17 so get those links to one of us by Tuesday, August 15!
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