Birding, bird watching, bird spotting… no matter what you call it, you’ll only be telling part of the story. This activity may begin with birds, but it rarely ends there. Legendary conservationist John Muir said it best: “When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.” For most of us, that initial interest in avifauna, which may itself have sprung from an undifferentiated interest in wildlife and wild places, blossoms into a more ecumenical appreciation for fauna and flora of every sort.
Bev Wigney exemplifies this panoramic passion for the natural world. Visit her blog, Burning Silo and you’ll be treated to keen observations on the movements of birds, but also of mammals, lizards, amphibians, and lots and lots of bugs. You’ll run into some pretty phenomenal photos too. So let a (magick) canoe take you to Nature and enjoy Bev’s presentation of I and the Bird #30.
Are you a naturalist who hasn’t discovered your inner birder? How about spreading those wings (pardon the avian allusion) and writing about your observations, insight, or sheer enjoyment of wild birds. Next, send a link and a summary to me or our next wonderful host, Mariya of Migrateblog. All submissions for the next I and the Bird should be sent by Tuesday, August 29 for publication on Thursday, August 31.
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