This weekend was when I finally, finally, finally, after numerous failed attempts this year due to car problems and weather, got on a boat and went on a summer pelagic trip off the eastern tip of Long Island. I had visions of shearwaters, jaegers, phalaropes, and skuas in my head when Doug and his dad, Bob, picked me up in the pre-dawn darkness for our long drive out to Montauk. On the way we picked up a couple derelicts with degrees from Cornell named Nick and Shawn, and then Doug put the pedal down and we were out on the south fork in no time.
Brief stops at Mecox, Sagg Pond, and Deep Hollow Ranch didn’t net us anything of particular note, though it was clear that the northwest wind that was still blowing hard had, overnight, encouraged the land birds to move. We did get to experience a pleasing sunrise and I had pleasant memories rekindled at Deep Hollow Ranch. But, as exciting as seeing a Merlin harass a flock of starlings was, we had not driven all the way to Montauk to muck about with land birds. No, we had journeyed far so we could spend our hard-earned dollars to go out in a boat and see great birds. We arrived at the harbor area with plenty of time to spare (it being bad form to drive to Montauk and miss the boat) so we briefly scoped the tern hordes roosting at the jetty and quickly turned up a few Roseate Terns. After that nice find we retired to a coffee shop for some last minute provisions and then got on the boat.
A brief moment, if you will allow it to me, must now be taken to explain the logistics of our trip. We were going on a whale-watching trip organized by the Coastal Research and Education Society of Long Island (CRESLI), the same organization that I joined last year for a similar trip. CRESLI partners with the Viking Fleet to do whale-watching trips every summer, a great way to spend a summer day on Long Island. For birders, the attraction is that when one is out looking for whales one often finds birds, and if the folks working for CRESLI know that you are interested in birds they will help you find them and try to get you close to them (so make sure if you go on a CRESLI trip you make your interest in birds known!). The season for whale-watching trips with CRESLI is almost over but you can always go next year…
Anyway, we were steaming out of Montauk Harbor by 9:45 AM. The sun was shining, the northwest breeze was blowing, and we were ready for birds! Out first chance at something good came as we made our way around Montauk Point. There were quite a few fishing vessels in the area and, near them, were several clouds of terns. Sorting through the terns got us two Black Terns, which were nice, but were really little more than an hors d’oeuvre for our hoped-for main course.
As we continued out to sea we five birders kept our eyes to our binoculars and scanned constantly, hoping to find our quarry. Other than three more Black Terns flying together, a bat making its way back to shore, and some Monarch Butterflies, it was quite some time before we saw something else besides water, waves, sun, and sky. The lighthouse at Montauk Point receded behind us as we made our way south, further and further from shore, and finally spotted a Cory’s Shearwater and a Northern Gannet
in quick succession. The looks at each were decent, as they flew from the starboard side and across the bow, and Nick and Shawn were happy because Cory’s Shearwater was a lifer for Nick and a state bird for Shawn. I was happy because it is always good to see my namesake, even if it is spelled wrong on the checklists. After those two birds it was a bit of a lull again until we found dolphins. Many, many, many dolphins.
When you are on a whale-watching trip and end up in a big pod of Common Dolphins, there will be some very excited people. Try not to stand between them and the spot on the boat with the best view. You will be trampled and your pleas for help will be ignored. The high-pitched squealing and crying had me looking around for a little girl so I could share her happiness for minute. Instead I found Doug wiping his eyes, trying to pretend like it wasn’t him that sounded like a preteen at a Justin Bieber concert. Not that I could really blame him, after all, dolphins are pretty cool and we were in the middle of a very large pod of dolphins that gave us great looks as they swam all around the boat.
We spent quite a bit of time with the dolphins, time that we birders enjoyed but that we also kind of resented, because we could see, not too far off, several commercial fishing boats with rather large groups of birds around them. They were very far away but if we squinted we could convince ourselves that there were, at the least, shearwaters out there, and we wanted to go see if we were right. Of course, we couldn’t be upset with CRESLI, after all, we were on a boat with a whole bunch of people who had shelled out cash to see whales, and dolphins are more similar to whales than shearwaters are. But when we finally broke away from the whales and did a loop through and around the fishing boats, well, we were happy. Our first good birds were a host of Great Shearwaters Puffinus gravis.
There was the occasional Cory’s Shearwater mixed in with the Great Shearwaters and, eventually, Shawn and Nick simultaneously (or at least close enough to simultaneously) spotted and called a Sooty Shearwater, another bird that was a lifer for Nick and a state bird for Shawn. It was only the second sooty I had ever seen, and much better than the look I got of the one off of Shinnecock Inlet earlier this summer. Nonetheless, the bird did not cooperate, but got off the water and flew away from us on a straight line.
Sooty Shearwater Puffinus griseus above and Cory’s Shearwater Calonectris diomedea below
Despite our best efforts we would not add another species of seabird for the rest of the trip. No jaegers, no storm-petrels, no albatrosses, no nothing else. But we did see more Common Dolphins!
After several more run ins with pods of dolphins we were steaming towards shore, hot, happy, and exhausted, looking forward to land under our feet, when we saw a small yellow bird flying parallel to the boat. It took a bit, but we eventually got it identified as a Magnolia Warbler. Within the next half an hour or so we also spotted a Brown-headed Cowbird and a Cedar Waxwing. All three birds were most likely migrating when the northwest winds caught them and blew them out to sea. When we saw them they were trying to get back to land.
Not long after the unexpected warbler I spotted something dark and oddly shaped in the water ahead of us. We birders called up to the CRESLI folk on the second deck who got the boat to slow down and then everyone quickly realized we were dealing with a sea turtle, a Leatherback Sea Turtle Dermochelys coriacea to be exact! Never having seen one before, I was rather psyched, as was everyone on the boat, who quickly came forward to get looks at the largest species of turtle in the world.
The turtle then dove, and though we waited, we did not see it come back up so we resumed course for home until Bob spotted another leatherback, which also dove and did not resurface, but did lead to our tarrying at sea again. We steamed into harbor at about 4:30 in the afternoon, satisfied with our trip but wishing we could go on another. We all recommend CRESLI as a good, cheap way to get out on the water, and urge you to get out there with them.
Three things:
1 – As a German, I am always rather amused when Americans talk or write about “putting the pedal down/to the metal”. So sweet.
2 – I know I should keep a low profile after my Long Beach fiddle-up, but that’s a very strange Cory’s Shearwater.
3 – Leatherback Sea Turtle. You’ve got to be kidding. This must be high on the top ten list of animal species to see before you die. In my opinion, it can hardly get any better in the animal kingdom than Leatherback Sea Turtle. And seeing two?? Is that a rather regular occurence on CRESLI pelagics?
Wow, what a great trip! Cheers, mate!
I second Jochen on the Trunk. Even though I’ve seen Leatherback, I’ve never had a view as awesome as that and I lived on an LB nesting beach for 3 years. My envy of you is actually pushing me to the dark side a little.
@Jochen: The molt that bird is going through makes it look a bit freaky but it is definitely a Cory’s.
Seeing leatherbacks is not a horribly unlikely occurrence, but I did get the idea that this year has been better than most for CRESLI in the turtle department. They mentioned a day that had seven (!) and were very excited about it.
@tai haku: Come back from the dark side! Think of the ewoks!
@Corey: it is not so much the mo(u)lt but the rather thin bill with a distinct dark tip. Look, I know I keep making a fool of myself, but judging by that picture alone, I’d just re-confirm it is indeed a Corey’s ( 🙂 ) and not an extreeeemely unlikely Cape Verde, okay?
I still can’t get over that Leatherback picture. If the Dark Side is what it takes to get such views, good ol’ Darth will have to move and give me some space soon, it’ll get crowded over in the Dark.
Shadow on the head of the Cory’s makes it look odd as well.
Very jealous of the leatherback but suspect you’re very jealous of the 22 White-faced Storm-Petrels my pelagic had. And I’d suggest the Red-headed Woodpecker beat your Magnolia Warbler. Of course, at 4 times the time and 5 times the cost it’s probably only an even trade.
“This ain’t SeaWorld, this is real as it gets”
(love the Lonely Island ref, Corey)
Being a birder just got more expensive for me. If I didn’t already have to save up for new bins and a scope, now I see I have to set aside cash for boat rides too. 🙂
Glad the day was success, and as always, awesome pictures!
@Jochen- The pink part of the bill looks awfully fat to be Cape Verde. This is the time to find them though…
I was going to ask Corey if he had any apparent Scopoli’s type Shearwaters. You never know what you might find out there.
Get that last shot of the Dolphin copyrighted that is BRILLIANT!!
I don’t know which part of this post I like more, the Leatherback or the YouTube vid. Excellent, Corey.
One of the minor downsides of Montana is we are a bit short on pelagics.
That is a pretty sweet Leatherback shot, I must say.
Fantastic post. I’ll have to work on uploading my pictures and posting a few, but I can’t top yours. I totally saw the Sooty first, but I just stared at it for 2 seconds wondering what I was looking at, then pondering why the scientific name translates roughly as Greasy Puffin.
@Nate – oh definitely, I am not convinced in any way it is Cape Verde, but think the bill and general “feel” merits a quick check of other pictures of the bird. How is one to find a Cape Verde if one doesn’t use extreme scrutiny on all Calonectris? My suggestion was in the direction of better being sure than being sorry. 🙂
On all the Caloncetris I have seen around the Canary Islands and in the Mediterranean, they always have the “feel” of the Albatrosses of the North Atlantic: heavy straight bill, big head, bulky, massive etc. And I just don’t get that feel from looking at this one picture… But as I mentioned, chances are it is Cory’s – of whatever form/species.
And I still haven’t gotten over the Leatherback picture, guess I never will.
Check this out:
Gripping stuff from Nick too.
@tai haku: too much, definitely, too much….
@Jochen- How is one to find Cape Verde? You do what we do in NC, take photos of all your Cory’s and look over them later. 😉
I’ve never been lucky enough to be on a boat that’s seen Albatross on my side of the Atlantic, but I’ve seen lots of Cory’s, and you’re right. They seem bulky and sluggish on the water. Definitely different than the other Shearwaters. I get where you’re coming from in that photo. I guess it’s a photographic thing?
@Nate: Ha! The Carolina school of birding? 🙂
Yeah, I guess it is due to the light and position of the bird relative to the camera that I get more of a Puffinus feeling. And I guess that Leatherback was really a diminutively small youngster as well, ey?
Amazing what a bit of cropping can do to a picture.
@Jochen: I don’t even have to dream about good birds; you do it for me! 🙂
@Jason: I was hoping to get to next week’s overnight Rhode Island pelagic but, alas, I can’t find a ride.
@Meredith: You have no idea how many references I made to that song while on the boat.
@Nick: Mmm…greasy puffin…mmm. And your pictures ain’t half-bad either.
@Midson, Mike, and everyone: Thanks!
@Carrie: Do wagon rides count is inland pelagics?