About two times per year, I spend a few weeks in Northern Germany – Visselhövede, to be exact. This is not generally a very joyful occasion – daily visits to my mother, whose dementia is progressing, tend to be fairly depressing. Fortunately, there also birds here, and as I only started birding in China, I am not even that familiar with them.
In fact, some common birds here are quite attractive and/or cute. This includes of course the European Robin, the European Greenfinch, the Eurasian Wren and the Eurasian Nuthatch.
European Robin
European Greenfinch
Eurasian Wren
Eurasian Nuthatch
There are also several tits. At the place where I put my photo blind, Eurasian Blue Tit and Great Tit are very easy to observe.
Eurasian Blue Tit
Great Tit
Then there are raptors, birds that are quite rare in Shanghai but common here, so I am quite excited to get some good shots of them, particularly the Common Buzzard. A bit more exciting: a White-tailed Eagle at a Nature Reserve Area (Meissener Teiche/Bannetzer Moor).
Common Buzzard
White-tailed Eagle
Bigger birds around here include the White Storch and the Common Crane. Some of the latter have actually stopped migrating and live in Northern Germany all year round.
White Stork
Common Crane
Finally, there are woodpeckers – both the Great Spotted Woodpecker and the European Green Woodpecker.
Great Spotted Woodpecker
European Green Woodpecker
Sometimes I show some of my photos to my mother. She seems to enjoy them.
Nice, Kai!
I like your photos!!! I began birding more seriously, in Arizona last year,and am visiting family in Hamburg now.
I have been to Europe enough now to have a real fondness for these birds. But I still haven’t seen the cranes or eagle — something to look forward to!