As always, the “Just for Fun Avian ID Quiz” is brought to you by Jory Langner, our esteemed Avian Quizmaster.

On a personal note, this year I’m conducting a “Little Year”.  No snickering please.  I consider it a hybrid, half Big Year (seeing as many species as possible) and half small carbon footprint (local to Region 8 in NY with limited chasing within the region).  My goal is 225 different species.  I’m off to a dismal start with only 54 birds seen so far.  You can follow my progress, along with that of the other birders in the region doing a “Little Year” on our wiki page.

On to the quiz.  I’m invoking Quizmaster’s discretion by suspending the “ABA Codes 1-3 only” rule for this quiz.  The two questions that need to be answered appear at the end of the list of clues.  Check back in several days when the answers will appear in the comment thread.


– Male and female similar
– Pointed tail
– Mostly greenish.  Orange forehead, lores, area around the eyes and upper cheeks.  The rest of head and upper part of neck are yellow.
– Incas
– Lady Jane
– Feb 21, 1918
– A direct quote from a very famous ornithologist: “All the survivors rise, shriek, fly round about for a few minutes, and again alight on the very place of most imminent danger. The gun is kept at work; eight or ten, or even twenty, are killed at every discharge. The living birds, as if conscious of the death of their companions, sweep over their bodies, screaming as loud as ever, but still return to the stack to be shot at, until so few remain alive, that the farmer does not consider it worth his while to spend more of his ammunition.”

Question: Without giving away the intent of this quiz, where did the Feb 21, 1918 occur?

“Experts-only” Question: How is “Martha” related?

Good luck!

Written by Jory
Jory's first field guide-identified bird was a Northern Cardinal. This turned out to be his gateway drug into birding. In 2007 Jory became the least accomplished birder to see 300 birds in New York State in one year. He has birded the world over but maintains his birding "beginner mind", of which he is inordinately proud. Just ask him. Jory is the 10,000 Birds Avian Quizmaster, coming up with ever more diabolical ways to stump his legion of devoted fans. He lives with his wife and the possessions of his children just outside of Albany NY.