Over the past few months we have not only encountered some wet days, but also some days when we just had to get out there and explore the bush tracks. The birding has been rewarding as always and we have been able to add several birds to the 2017 year list that we may not see around Broome every year. The humidity has been very high until recently and not always ideal for being out for several hours at a time, but we have seen the some wildflowers that have been absent on drier years or in very small numbers. We have had the most magnificent blankets of wildflowers this year and I thought I should introduce you to some of them! I am not expert on our local wildflowers and scientists are constantly finding new species in remote areas of the Kimberley, so for some of the flowers I can only give you a family name.
Flooded tracks have been great for finding Marshwort and there have been huge expanses of the plant covering large areas of land. The feature photo shows Marshwort in the track.
Huge areas of Marshwort along the fence line and track
Ephemeral lakes have had some Water Lilies this year, which have been absent when they have not filled up in other years. I waded out to take these photos! The water was warm and the ducks floated off as I approached!
Water Lily
Around the edges of the lakes there are large numbers of a small white flower, which I believe to be Nymphoides Indica. It grows in very shallow water with its beautiful fringed petals.
Walking the bush tracks is a wildflower lover’s dream! Every colour is represented, but some areas are very yellow!
Wildflowers cover the land and along all the tracks
All of the surrounding land has burst with colour and there are a number of plants that are carnivorous. Thankfully they only prey on insects, because we have our fair share of dangerous animals in Australia without adding plants as a threat to our lives!!
Trigger plant-traps ants
Carnivorous plant with sticky leaves to catch insects
Native Sundew
Wildflower that likes sand to grow in
Wildflowers across the drier land
Wildflowers in very damp areas
Although we do have a lot of land around us that appears inhospitable to a lot of plants there are some opportunistic plants that appear once the conditions are right and make for a beautiful landscape. It is hard to bring you the expanse of wildflowers through these photographs, but it will no doubt give you an idea into the spectacle that we have been enjoying for some months now. Bush walking in extreme heat has its rewards and not just the bird life!
What spectacular wildflowers, especially the fringed Nymphoides Indica. Amazing such delicate flowers thrive in such heat!
Hi, Mike – Thank you! I have been trying to identify some wildflower photos for a friend (17 total) and was stumped on 3 of them .. Imagine my thoughts this morning when I opened your newsletter and there it is!!! Nymphoides indica !! It is such a tiny little flower and I couldn’t find it in any of my field guides. Thank you so much for indentifying your wildflowers !!
It is sometimes called “water snowflake” as well.