If you’re up for a little more April Foolishness, this of the advanced ornithological kind, you won’t find better than Ted Floyd’s presentation of maddening ABA Checklist Changes. You know you’re a lister if you feel your blood pressure start to shoot up as you read it!
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Iceland is ABA and Hawaii isn’t. I honestly didn’t think the ABA checklist nuts could get any crazier. What the hell is that matter with these people?
@Duncan: You know what day it still is here in the states, right? 😉
Meh. If I wasn’t I could still read mike’s intro. It just annoyed me. They know what they do is dumb, otherwise they wouldn’t make fun of it on the post. Yet try persist in doing it.
The bits about the lumps and splits was pretty good though. I’m surprised they didn’t delink the Baltimore Oriole with tue bullock’s!
Relump. They, not try. Darn autocorrect.
@Duncan: throwing Iceland out of the WP would make life much easier for me. Darned Harlequins and Barrow’s Goldeneyes … 😉