That’s what lots of people have been screaming (well, metaphorically, anyway) as the Northern Hemisphere’s nesting season does a number on various projects and events.
- On the U.S. eastern seaboard, various varieties of birds have gotten in the way of pipeline plans, whereas on the West Coast, it’s landfill mowing that’s the problem
- Construction of a Chinese highway hit a red light after sightings of protected Rosy Starlings (like the ones above which Nate spotted several years ago in India)
- It’s got climbers grousing about Peregrine Falcons …
- … and beach towns coming up with creative solutions for wall-to-wall Purple Martins
- Even music festivals are getting into the act, relocating a Killdeer nest so that the show can go on with no harm to the mama and eggs
Beat bird headline of all time. Seriously.
This is the best bird article headline I have ever seen. May I suggest for future posts: “99 problems but a Bird aint one” , or “Bird better have my money” (that second one may be tricky, but I believe in you.) Seriously, my day has been made by this. Thanks.