I had an amazing birding year in 2017 with tons of travel, lots of amazing birds, and some truly memorable experiences. But 2018 is a whole new year and calls for all new goals. My year list hasn’t even been started but when it does it will be as unattractive as the fledgling Yellow Warbler up above. I have similar goals to last year’s but with some new twists. I have no travel at all planned so most of my goals will be local. Will I be able to meet all of my goals for 2018? Tune in all year to find out!
- I will add at least three new species to my Queens list. This will be very difficult as I have added a total of three species to the list in the last two years. It gets tougher and tougher to add new birds as a list builds, especially when you limit yourself by geographic area. But there are lots of potential birds to see so I’ll just have to flog my local patches as hard as I can until something shows up!
- I will get to 300 species photographed in Queens in eBird. Currently, I have 281 species documented with photographs in eBird in Queens which means that I have thirty-four species I have seen in the borough without a photograph. If I can get nineteen of them photographed and into eBird this year I’ll be very happy.
- I will see at least sixty species from my balcony this year. My total list for the nearly eight years that I’ve lived in my current apartment is exactly 100 species. Can I see sixty percent of them in one calendar year? I think I can do it!
- I will enter eBird checklists for at least five of the ten counties in New York State that I have never birded. This will take some dedication but it is really annoying that I have these gaps on my state map. Orleans, Chautauqua, Cattaraugus, Allegany, Yates, Tompkins, Schuyler, Oneida, Madison, and Otsego Counties all need to be birded by me someday. Hopefully, I’ll be able to knock at least five of them off this year.
- I will blog at least weekly for the year. I’ve really slacked off in my bird-blogging in the last year-and-a-half and I want to get back to blogging at least once a week. Fifty-two posts or bust! (I don’t know if this is a promise or a threat.)
Do you have birding goals for 2018? What are they? Let me know in the comments!
Tompkins is probably the most eBirded county in the US. Or at least it used to be.
My main goal would be to find a few more species in my home county (Middlesex NJ). I’d also like to break my previous record for birds photographed in a year (157).
Ambitious, hope you meet all those goals! I suppose I should make a resolution or two.
I’m continuing a project I started last year. It’s called “Bird of the Day.” I choose a bird I’ve just seen, or heard about on the local birder listserv. Then I read about it on the internet and in the several birding guides and big books I own. I’m an intermediate birder and I have learned so much from this self directed activity.
I’m kind of embarrassed to be a New Yorker and to have never birded Tompkins.
Absolutely! You gotta have goals.
You should start a blog and post what you learn every day. Writing about birds is another great way to learn them.
Well, Like they say, “it’s good to have a plan”
I am not really sure what knid of goal to set for myself, with all the travel that this year will bring. For me it is so hard to know what to expect, so I am just leaving it at “get the largest number of species” in each country that I can, and be happy with that.
Happy New Year to you and your family Corey!
You gotta get at least 1500. That would be awesome.
I’m so jealous of your plans for 2018.
Happy New Year to you and yours and be safe in all your travels!