The dark, sinuous body slipped up and down, through the patch of water lilies. I watched as it surfaced, with a large fish in its mouth. The River Otter had captured a fine meal. But, I wasn’t the only watcher. A Tricolored Heron (pictured above) flew over, in the hope of sharing in the meal.

River Otter with its dinner
I was visiting Fred W. Coyle Freedom Park in Naples, Florida. It was a beautiful January day to be out birding. I was eager to see what was around in one of my local winter patches. Being a “snowbird” has its benefits!

Male Anhinga
Freedom Park isn’t large, but it offers a variety of habitats. There is a wooded area, which is home to Barred Owl and Pileated Woodpecker. There are swampy areas, with the Northern Waterthrush and White Ibis. The marsh is home to Anhinga and Limpkin. The canal area always has a pair of Loggerhead Shrikes, along with waders such as Great Egret and Wood Stork. On the paths, I’ve surprised some Marsh Rabbits. In the largest pond, there are usually an alligator or two. Many the time, I’ve had people come up to me, asking about a bird or where is the alligator. As one woman told her friend, “The birders know everything”.

Wood Stork
On that January day, I watched the hunter drag its prey up onto the water’s edge. It started eating the fish, gobbling down skin, flesh and bones. As the heron flew in, the otter dragged the fish farther away. The heron moved closer. The otter was tired of the dance and lunged at the heron. The bird flew onto the boardwalk railing and was left to contemplate the fish in the water below.

Otter vs. Tricolored Heron
In the coming months, I’ll be writing again from my winter home, sharing the delights of winter birding in SW Florida.
Note: All photos by Leslie Kinrys
Very enjoyable