Today I shall weave a tale of dispair. A tale of jealousy. Of hopelessness. Of anger, fear, aggressioon….the dark...
You may already know about this, but I was not aware that a pure white Blackbird (the thrush, not...
Almost every birder who has birded within in the range of Megaceryle alcyon, better known as the Belted Kingfisher,...
Are we going to talk birds here or discuss how awesome it is that the NY Giants are going...
In Bergen County, New Jersey’s northeasternmost county, there are quite a few small county parks that are popular with...
As the Sun creeps closer to the horizon bringing with it more and more twilight my mind turns more...
The plane (and all on board) survived but the albatross was not so lucky. See the whole story here.
As you all know, “brown” can be quite good on a bird and it comes in all colours and...
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