I’m on a family trip to Australia at the moment. It’s not a dedicated birding trip, but I’m picking up a few good ones. One surprising bird encounter was with one of Australia’s most iconic birds, the Laughing Kookaburra. This large member of the kingfisher family is a familiar sight… and sound, in Australia’s countryside and city. In this instance we were at a family event being hosted on a golf course in north Sydney. I had bins, but no camera beyond that available on my phone. Luckily that wasn’t an issue in this case. Maybe the iPhone 10 will have x83 telephoto zoom as standard, but for now enjoy these kookaburra close ups!The Laughing Kookaburra!
My what a large bill for killing reptiles you have
Noisy Miners (behind) are not fans
Notice the trace of blue on the wing
Close up action! (Photograph by my father)
I had one steal food straight from my hand before, completely ignoring the sign on the table to NOT feed the wildlife.
Cool family trip!
And, cool photo of you photographing the Kookaburra. (I’ve seen people using telephoto lenses attached to their iPhones. Only another couple of hundred dollars!)